Rewire your mind for a healthier, happier you

  • Discover the power of Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) and break free from the thoughts & behaviors that hold you back in just 30 days

    Are you feeling stuck in a self-defeating cycle?


    Do you find yourself repeatedly falling into the same bad habits and negative thinking patterns, no matter how hard you try to change? Perhaps you struggle with self-sabotaging behaviors like procrastination, emotional eating, or indecision. Maybe there are habits you WANT to form but can’t make yourself take action on. Maybe you're haunted by shaming beliefs like "I'm not good enough," "I’m not going to be successful," or, "Dating is hopeless at my age.”


    These deeply ingrained habits and thoughts can seriously impact your self-esteem and leave you feeling frustrated with yourself & defeated by life.


    You may have tried willpower, self-help books, or even therapy, but found yourself slipping back into old ways of being. The truth is, these patterns are often rooted in your subconscious mind, formed by past experiences and traumas. They can be incredibly difficult to change through conscious effort alone.


    Meanwhile, you watch other women thriving in their careers, relationships, and personal lives. They seem to radiate confidence, joy, and ease. You can't help but wonder: "What do they have that I don't? Why does success come so easily to them, while I'm still struggling to get out of my own way?"


    If that feels familiar, you’re not alone- and I promise, you don’t have to stay in this place.

    Rapid transformation is possible - no matter how long you've strugged or how deeply ingrained your patterns may feel. With the right tools and guidance, you can rewire your mind for success and create lasting, positive change in just 30 days.

  • Introducing

    The 30 Day Private RTT™ Experience:

    Your Path to Profound Personal Transformation


    What if I told you that in just 30 days, you could unlearn the unhelpful habits and beliefs that have been holding you back, and rewire your mind for the life you truly desire?


    That's the power of my private, 1:1 Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) program. This immersive, personalized experience is designed to help you identify and break free from the subconscious patterns that have been sabotaging your happiness, health, and success.


    Whether you want to overcome procrastination, break free from destructive habits, release anxiety and self-doubt, or simply cultivate more self-love and confidence, this program will guide you to reprogram your mind at the deepest level.



    • It’s fully customized to your needs and goals: No two people are the same, which is why my approach is always tailored to your specific challenges and desires. We'll dive deep into your unique subconscious patterns and craft a personalized plan for your transformation.
    • Intensive 1:1 support: You'll have me as your dedicated expert guide and cheerleader throughout the entire process. I'll be there to provide powerful RTT techniques, insightful coaching, and compassionate support every step of the way.
    • Rapid, lasting change: RTT is known for its ability to create profound shifts quickly. In just 30 days, you can experience the kind of transformation that might take years with traditional talk therapy. And these changes are designed to last, as we're rewiring your mind at the root level.
    • A blend of science and spirituality: My approach combines the proven principles of hypnotherapy, neuroscience, psychology, and NLP with a soulful, intuitive understanding of the human experience. This holistic perspective allows for deep healing on all levels - mental, emotional, and spiritual.
    • Lifelong tools for success: Not only will you break through your specific challenges during our month together, but you'll also learn invaluable tools and techniques to continue your growth and evolution long after our work is complete. This is about empowering you with the self-awareness and inner resources to thrive for a lifetime.


    • In-Depth Clarity Session (60 minutes): Gain a profound understanding of the limiting beliefs holding you back. Together, we'll map out a fulfilling future that aligns with your deepest desires and aspirations.
    • Powerful RTT Hypnotherapy Session (2 hours): Experience a life-changing session designed to uncover and release the root cause of your challenges. This immersive experience will help you break free from the subconscious patterns that have been limiting your potential.
    • Personalized Transformational Recording (20 minutes): Receive a custom-crafted recording that reinforces your new, empowering beliefs. Listen daily to reprogram your mind for success and accelerate your transformation.
    • 30-Day Follow-Up Call: Celebrate your progress and ensure your transformation is fully integrated into your life. This call provides an opportunity to reflect on your journey, ask questions, and set intentions for your next chapter.
    • 4 Weekly Worksheets: Dive deep into your subconscious mind with carefully designed worksheets. These powerful tools will help you consciously uncover and reframe limiting beliefs, paving the way for lasting change.
    • 30 Days of Dedicated Support: Receive unwavering support and guidance via email throughout your transformative journey. I'm here to answer your questions, provide encouragement, and ensure you have the resources you need to thrive.

    As soon as you enroll, you'll receive a "Welcome & What to Expect" email outlining the timeline of our journey together. Get ready to embark on a life-changing adventure that will unlock your true potential and help you create the life you've always dreamed of.


    Don't wait another moment to start your transformation. Take the first step towards becoming a version of yourself you’re proud of and book your sessions today.



    • Follow up bonus call (20 minutes): 60 Days after the start of The 30-Day Private RTT Experience we'll have a zoom call to make sure you're on the right track.
    • Powerful Root Chakra Yoga Nidra: Be guided into a deep relaxation and and reconnection withyour body to establish safetly and security. A core necessity in transformation of survival wounds.
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    And get ready to meet the best version of yourself

    In-Depth Clarity Session

    Powerful RTT Hypnotherapy Session

    Personalized Transformational Recording

    30-Day Follow-Up Call

    4 Weekly Worksheets

    30 Days of Dedicated Support

    START NOW FOR $649 (originally $1097)

  • I'm Leah, and I know firsthand how it feels to be trapped by your own mind. For years, I struggled with anxiety, self-doubt, and limiting beliefs that held me back from living the life I truly wanted. I tried everything - self-help books, talk therapy, meditation - but nothing seemed to create the deep, lasting change I was seeking.


    That is, until I discovered the power of Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) and other transformational subconscious modalities. Through these approaches, I was finally able to get to the root of my own subconscious blocks and rewrite the stories that had been limiting me for so long. The changes I experienced were so profound that I knew I had to share this work with others.


    So, I immersed myself in training- studying hypnotherapy and various other transformational modalities. I became certified in RTT and began working with clients from all walks of life, guiding them to break through their own barriers and step into their most empowered selves.


    But my journey didn't stop there. As I continued to work with clients, I realized that true transformation requires a holistic approach - one that addresses not just the mind, but also the body and soul. That's when I discovered HeartHealing and other energy-based modalities that allowed me to guide my clients to even deeper levels of healing and growth.


    Today, I blend all of these approaches into my signature RTT and coaching programs. My work is rooted in both science and spirituality, offering a unique perspective on personal transformation. But more than any modality or technique, what I offer is the wisdom of someone who has walked the path herself.


    I know the courage it takes to face your demons, to dig deep, and to commit to your own evolution. I also know the indescribable joy and freedom that awaits you on the other side. That's why I'm so passionate about guiding other women to experience the same breakthroughs and transformations.


    So whether you're struggling with self-sabotage, anxiety, low self-worth, or any other block that's holding you back, know that you're in the right place. With compassion, wisdom, and an unwavering commitment to your growth, I'm here to help you rewrite your story and step into the extraordinary life that's waiting for you.


    Let's unlearn what's holding you back, and unleash the powerful, joyful, abundant woman you were always meant to be- because you DESERVE to be her.

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    Are you ready to finally break free from the patterns that have held you back for so long, and step into the life you truly deserve?


    I know how exhausting and frustrating it can be to feel like you're constantly fighting against your own mind. The shame, the self-doubt, the feeling that no matter how hard you try, you just can't seem to make the changes stick... it's a heavy burden to carry.


    But here's the truth: you are not alone, and you are not broken. Your struggles do not define you. You have within you the power to rewrite your story and create the life you've always dreamed of.


    And I'm here to help you do just that.


    Through this transformative 30-day RTT program, you'll finally get to the root of what's been holding you back. You'll uncover and release the limiting beliefs and subconscious patterns that have been sabotaging your efforts, and replace them with empowering new beliefs that align with your deepest desires.


    You'll experience profound shifts in your mindset, your emotions, and your behaviors. You'll cultivate unshakable confidence, self-love, and clarity of purpose. You'll develop the tools and resilience to navigate life's challenges with grace and ease.


    Most importantly, you'll step into the most authentic, joyful, and powerful version of yourself. The version of you that's been waiting to be unleashed.


    Imagine waking up every day feeling energized, focused, and in control of your destiny. Imagine pursuing your dreams with unwavering conviction, knowing that you have what it takes to succeed. Imagine looking in the mirror and loving the woman you see staring back at you.


    This is the new reality that's waiting for you on the other side of this journey.


    You've already taken the courageous first step by being here and acknowledging that you're ready for change. Now, it's time to take the next step and commit to your transformation.


    Don't spend another day trapped in the same old cycles of self-doubt and frustration. You deserve to live a life that lights you up from the inside out. A life of abundance, joy, and infinite possibility.


    Your moment is now. Your transformation is waiting.


    Click the button below to enroll in the 30-Day Private RTT Experience and embark on the most powerful journey of your life.


    I can't wait to witness the incredible woman you came here to be.